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Summary of light wax and heavy wax

Release time:2020-07-31 author:Jiangyin CaiYouDao Chemical Co., Ltd clicks:1883

Content summary:Light and heavy waxes are chemically n-alkanes because they contain C10, C11, C12, C13 and C14

1 light wax and heavy wax are chemically n-alkanes, which can be divided into light wax (C10-C13) and heavy wax (C14 or above) due to their different contents of C10, C11, C12, C13 and C14. N-alkane (commonly known as liquid paraffin) 3 is a colorless, odorless viscous liquid, which is an important chemical raw material. A series of chemical products can be produced, such as chlorinated paraffin, pesticide emulsifier, fatty alcohol, degradable synthetic detergent, plastic plasticizer, chemical fertilizer additive, cosmetics, protein concentrate, etc. At present, there are many new uses being developed or will be developed 6. Due to the continuous emergence of new uses and the rapid development of China's economy, its market potential is huge. Heavy liquid paraffin in China is mainly used to produce chlorinated paraffin, T50 plasticizer, detergent, chemical fertilizer additive, 8 leather ester adding agent, flame retardant and lubricating oil additive. At present, 26% of heavy wax is used to produce chlorinated paraffin, 9.22% is used for T50 plasticizer and PVC lubricant, and 4% is used for production of chlorinated paraffin
